
日期:2024-05-10 08:46:26 | 人气:

5月9日,印尼驻华使馆教育文化参赞Yudil Chatim(中文名:李健)先生来到我司进行交流访问。公司总经理龚浩、副总经理鲁铭接见了来访的贵宾。
On May 9th, Mr. Yudil Chatim (Chinese name: Li Jian), the Education and Culture Counselor of the Indonesian Embassy in China, visited our company for an exchange. The guests were received by Mr. Gong Hao, the General Manager, and Mr. Lu Ming, the Deputy General Manager.
在研讨会上,龚浩热烈欢迎Yudil Chatim博士来访,并介绍了公司的发展历史、办学特色、人才培养模式、对外交流等情况。龚浩希望以此次访问为契机,探索我司与印尼高等教育之间的交流与合作渠道,与印尼理工学院广交朋友,在职业教育国际交流与合作中取得更多成果。
During the seminar, General Manager Gong Hao warmly welcomed Dr. Yudil Chatim, and provided an overview of the company's development history, educational features, talent training models, and international relations. Mr. Gong expressed his hope that this visit would serve as a catalyst to explore new avenues for cooperation and exchange between our company and institutions of higher education in Indonesia. He looked forward to building a robust network with Indonesian polytechnic institutes and achieving greater success in international vocational education exchanges and collaborations.
Yudil Chatim博士感谢我司的热情接待。他指出,我司在职业教育校企合作办学具有显著优势,与印尼的合作前景广阔,愿意积极促进我司与印尼在职业教育的交流与合作。希望双方能够取得实质性的合作成果。
Dr. Yudil Chatim expressed his gratitude for the warm reception provided by our company. He pointed out that our company has significant advantages in vocational education and school-enterprise cooperation, and sees a broad prospect for cooperation with Indonesia. He expressed his willingness to actively promote exchanges and cooperation between our company and Indonesia in the field of vocational education, and hopes that both parties can achieve substantive cooperation results.
总经理龚浩陪同Yudil Chatim博士参观了位于中关村信息谷的新实训中心,并诚挚邀请他月底赴武汉公司总部进行参观与交流。
Accompanied by General Manager Gong Hao, Dr. Yudil Chatim visited the new training center located in ZhongGuanCun Information Valley. Mr. Gong also sincerely invited the Counselor to visit and exchange ideas at the company's headquarters in Wuhan at the end of the month.
Moving forward, the company will actively promote the implementation of projects in Indonesia, explore joint talent training models with Indonesian polytechnic institutes, and advance the development of a new framework for Sino-Indonesian educational and cultural exchanges and cooperation under the new circumstances.